XMedia Recode Portable

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Xmedia aik audio aur video conversion tool hia jo kay takreeban tamam formats ko support karta hai. jaisa kay: 3GP, 3G2, AAC, AC3, AIFF, AMR, APE, ASF, AVI, VISynth, AU, DVD (unprotected), DIVX, DTS, E-AC3, FLAC, FLV, 261, H263, H264, M2TS, M1V, M2V, M3U, M3U8, M4A, M4P, M4V, MKA, MKV, MMF, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP4V, MPE, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MOV, QT, OGG, OGM, OGV, PVA, REC, RM, RMVB, SVCD, SWF, THP, TS, TRP, TP0, VCD, VOB, WebM, WMA, WMV, WML and WPL.

Chunacha ye programe humein wasi compatibility frhaam karta hai. es kay ilawa es mein mojood multimedia tools humein conversion process kay uper mukamal control frhaam kartay hain. ap es programe kay zariye video codec, frame rate, bit rate, Gop Lenght, resolution, aspect ratio, aur bohat say advance option ka intkhab kr saktay hain. aur ye hai es programe ka start. 

for example ager ap aik video ka size decrease karna chahtay hain to Xmedia Recode aik automatic algorithm kay zariye es ka size km nahi karta balkay ap ko khud decide karna hota hai kay ye kin kin perameters per ap ki videos ko reduce karay aur es kaam kay liye es mein nine options mojood hain. 

ager ye tamam cheezein ap ko kuch complicated nazar ayein to es mein simple option bhi mojood hain. es programe mein mukhtalif devices kay liye compatible videos bnanay kay liye internel profiles bhi mojood hain. jo kay ap apni matlooba deveices jis kay liye ap apni video convert karna chah rahe hain es kay mutabik select kiya ja sakta hai. for example ap apple kay devices kay liye video convert karna chahtay hain to apple profile ko select karein gay. Xmedia Recode bohat power full programe hai magar es mein aik 
problem hai kay ye sirf five languages ko support krta hia. lakin itnay ziyada feature ki waja say es ki ye weakness koi khass value nahi rakhta.. 

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